How do I view and change my billing information?

Please follow these steps to update your credit card information in the application.  You can also call us at 1-888-758-7977 Option 2 if you prefer.

The Billing Settings are displayed under the Organization Settings page.  You can access this page by clicking your initials in the top right corner and selecting Billing Settings. You can view your upcoming payment, track your Referral Credits, and change your credit card. We email you a receipt for each payment.

NOTE: If you do not see a Billing Settings option under your name, you do not have online access.  If you are part of a team in Snap, your team administrator will need to make billing changes. 

Click Update to change your credit card information. 

Enter your updated credit card number, expiry date and CVC (3 or 4 digits on the back of the credit card).

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